12 Tips for New Vegans (from a 12-year vegan)

Vegetarian Lasagna Recipe – Who Doesn’t Love Lasagna?

If you are a vegetarian, you’ll know that lasagna can be tough to do. Hopefully you’ll find this recipe simple and easy to follow.

Portobello Style Burgers With Goat Cheese – Recipe For Vegetarians

Here’s another healthy favorite of mine. Good for people who love goat’s cheese.

Vegetarian Japanese Cooking – Free Recipe Tips

Japanese food is one of the healthiest foods in the world, and it is due mostly to the fact that Japanese cuisine involves a lot of vegetable dishes. Many people simply love Japanese food, and vegetarians are a great fan of their cuisine. Yet most people hesitate to try vegetarian Japanese cooking, for fear that it is difficult to prepare, or the ingredients will be hard to come by.

Raw Food Diet Book For the Vegan Diet Enthusiast

Almost every fitness enthusiast and doctor routinely states the importance of having more raw food diet and it will only be wise to listen to them. Raw food diet books are readily available almost everywhere which can help both the occasional eater and also the enthusiast. These raw food diet books are filled with enticing recipes for making anything from raw food entrees, to raw desserts, raw salads, raw soups, hemp dishes, raw snacks to name a few.

Raw Food Cookbooks – For the Most Delicious Vegan Foods

Vegan food is becoming more and more popular these days as the gamut of health related problems is forcing people to look towards adopting a more healthy and nutritional lifestyle. Getting started is easy, there are many raw food cookbooks which come with delicious recipes that you can make in mere minutes. In fact even 6 year olds can make raw foods since there is no cooking involved.

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