Vegan in Israel – the most vegan-friendly country in the world

Tandoori Tofu Masala “Salad”

A tasty Indian inspired vegan/vegetarian dish that can be served warm or cold. Plus its so easy to make! Can be eaten as a side-dish or appetizer.

Vegetarian and Vegan Fast Food Restaurants Across The Globe

Vegetarians and vegans have long missed out on the decadence and guilty pleasures of fast food eateries. That is no longer the case. They now have places of their own to enjoy an inexpensive, quick meal!

Vegan Herb Garlic Bread

Garlic bread is a great addition to soups, stews, and pasta dinners. However, many recipes rely on butter and cheese. This recipe gets its flavor from olive oil and tons of herbs.

Vegan Corn Muffins

Corn muffins are a delicious breakfast, or afternoon snack. As well as being vegan, these are light, moist, and delicious!

The Three Easiest Vegetarian Crock Pot Recipes!

Vegetarian crock pot recipes are catching up at tremendous speed with the busy and health-conscious crowd. Thanks to animal rights activists, people are trying to ditch their “carnivorous” habit and switch to a pure vegetarian diet.

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