Vegan Meals I Make Every Week | balanced & nourishing
Healthy Gado-Gado (Vegetarian) Chinese Recipes How to prepare the sauce: First dissolve the coconut in 300 ml. lukewarm water. Heat the oil in a sauce pan. Then add onion and…

LEG DAY at the GYM, workouts, vegan food // vlog
A Raw Food Vegan Approach to Getting Your Greens Getting your greens are very important to your overall health. Studies support the well established, health-enhancing effects of green foods. The…

My Vegan Body Transformation Story: Overweight to Underweight to Fit Mom
Mexicali Mushroom Enchiladas Mushrooms make a nutritious and flavorful addition to almost any soup, salad or main dish. They’re packed with vital nutrients like riboflavin, niacin, and potassium, and are…

Benefits of Vegetarian Food Eating vegetarian food provides many benefits. Eating vegetarian food can reduce the absorption of animal toxin and slow down the aging process. Nutrition for Vegetarian Kids…

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY: Vegan Fitness Models
Vegans Cooking With Quinoa Vegans have begun cooking with quinoa because it is a complete protein from a plant source and has many nutritional benefits including iron and magnesium. Quinoa…

Before & After Going Vegan | Our Health Transformation Story
Tasty Vegetarian White Chicken Chili Recipe In 4 Simple Steps Just because you decided to eliminate meat from your diet does not mean that you have taken a sacred vow…

I ate a vegan diet for 3 years | Here’s what I learnt
Creamy Carrot-Squash Soup With Seasoned Pita Chips Carrots are a great way to add color and nutritive value to your healthy eating plan. They’re low calorie, flavorful, and a great…

What I Eat In A Day| Balanced Vegan Diet
Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone – A Cookbook Review Deborah Madison’s Vegetarian Cooking For Everyone has a seemingly endless variety of recipes to look through and try out, and every one…