HIGH PROTEIN Vegan Full Day of Eating (simple meals) **165g Protein**

Where to Look For Gluten Free Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurants

For the average person, finding out that he has food allergies or celiac disease automatically means some major changes in the way they eat. While this is necessary, you still have a pretty large variety of different food products that you can elect to use.

Vegetarian Only – Chili Spiced Tofu Satay

Satay is an Indonesian and Malaysian dish consisting of small pieces of meat grilled on a skewer and usually served with spiced sauce. Chicken meat, lamb, and beef are the three common meats used in this exotic food. Other meat, including fish and pork are also used rarely. Vegetarians can also enjoy the taste of satay, but they have to substitute the meat with other ingredients, like tofu.

Variety Adds Vitality to Your Vegetarian Recipes

Cooking vegetarian recipes will open you to a whole world of delicious, healthy, and easy to make dishes. These vegetarian recipes are high in nutritional value, and low on fat. Cooking can cause the loss of up to 97% of water-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Recommended Healthy Portion Sizes For Vegans and Vegetarians

Understanding and observing the suggested portions for the foods that you eat can help you to manage and maintain a healthy vegan or vegetarian diet. Did you know that one melon wedge can be equated to a ¾ cup of fruit juice? Or that a ½ cup of rice can equal one slice of bread? Do you know you many servings of fruits, vegetables, and grains are suggested for a balanced plant-based diet? Or what amount of tofu or peanut butter counts as a serving as far as meat substitution goes?

Vegetarian, Gluten-Free? – Recipes and Support Are Helpful

Vegetarian, gluten-free? Recipes and support are probably the two most important things to have in that situation.

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