The Fittest Vegan in CrossFit®

The Fittest Vegan in CrossFit®

Staying GREEN and RAW While On The Road It takes some determination, creativity and planning, but preparing green smoothies on the road can be done, and it’s worth the effort….

12 Week Vegan Body Transformation (Game Changers Diet) || Max's Monthly Challenge

12 Week Vegan Body Transformation (Game Changers Diet) || Max’s Monthly Challenge

Romantic Vegetarians Must Be Sensual Too When you want to make a good impression on someone, it is a great idea to reinforce it by associating a positive experience of…

Doctor Mike Goes VEGAN For 30 Days | Here's How My Body Reacted...

Doctor Mike Goes VEGAN For 30 Days | Here’s How My Body Reacted…

Plant Based Dishes Plant based dishes are precisely what they sound like: They are any dishes that have plants as their major ingredients. Such dishes are progressively building a following…

How A Vegan Pro Bodybuilder Eats | Rich Roll Podcast

How A Vegan Pro Bodybuilder Eats | Rich Roll Podcast

Top 3 Reasons for Becoming a Vegan If you’ve been thinking about becoming a vegan but you still aren’t sure whether it’s the right choice for you, then chances are…